Baron got back: Win a battle against a lord or party who previously beat or captured you. Autonomous Collective: Be chosen as marshall. Art of War: Have two of the following skills at a 5 Trainer, Tactics, Leadership, or Persuasion. Agile Warrior: Get either two agility related skills to 5 or one to 7. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", "My profile", "View all my games", then the game and view stats.Ībundant Feast: Eat 6 different types food concurrently. Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. Your character will now have those abilities. Choose the file that you edited, and load it. Go back to the statistics through the character page. Start the game again, and reload your saved game. After saving a copy of the file, change the values to whatever desired. Open the "charexport" folder, which should be the top folder, and double click the file with your character's name. Once your character has been successfully exported, exit the game, and enter the game folder. Then, go to the character page (attributes, etc.), and choose "Statistics" (under the character portrait). First, create a new character in the game. Note: This procedure involves editing game files create a backup copy of the files before proceeding. Then, enter one of the following codes at the indicated screen to activate the corresponding cheat function: Result Check the "Enable Cheats" box, and click the "OK" button.

Open the launcher, select "Configure", and click the "Game" tab.