To fix the problem of not displaying installed fonts in Windows 10, follow these steps Sometimes an update can cause this problem, and the only way to fix it is to find the problematic update and remove it.
If your computer has font errors, the problem may be related to a particular update. Sometimes problems can occur if the registry values are wrong and you need to change them manually to fix them. If you are having problems with fonts in Windows 10, the problem may be in the registry. The solution is to disable the high DPI settings.
Sometimes font errors are caused by high DPI display levels. Why are installed fonts not displaying in Windows 10 How do I access the installed fonts in Word?. Why can’t I install fonts in Windows 10?. Why don’t installed fonts appear in Word?. To fix the problem of not displaying installed fonts in Windows 10, follow these steps.
Why are installed fonts not displaying in Windows 10.