Portal 2 perpetual testing initiative
Portal 2 perpetual testing initiative

  • Move the mouse to the far left edge of the screen to open the puzzle item palette.
  • Press and drag the background to rotate your camera view.
  • portal 2 perpetual testing initiative

  • Drag the boundary edge of a selection to move the highlighted surfaces.
  • Right click selections to change surface portalability.
  • Click and drag across several surfaces to block-select.
  • Click a chamber surface tile to select it.
  • space+ – Pushes/pulls surface if selected.
  • portal 2 perpetual testing initiative

  • alt+ – Places an item on the surface opposite to the one facing the camera.
  • c+ – Duplicates an item (does not duplicate any connections).
  • ⇧ Shift+ – Allows for batch selection of surfaces.
  • Delete/ ← Backspace – Delete selection.
  • – Click: Controls camera rotation Scroll: Controls camera zoom (follows cursor).
  • – On background: Pans camera view On chamber: Context menu.
  • Selecting and dragging the lower-right corner controls the camera rotation.
  • Selecting and dragging the right edge controls the camera zoom.
  • Selecting and dragging the upper-right corner pans the camera view.
  • The top edge of the screen features four buttons: “Build and play puzzle”, “Undo”, “Redo”, and “Switch to game view”.
  • portal 2 perpetual testing initiative

  • Hovering the mouse over the left screen edge displays the item list.
  • portal 2 perpetual testing initiative

    The Puzzle Creator features a stylised representation of the test chamber being worked on featuring a simplified, bright, and flat color palette, and models and textures lack the level of detail that they would have in-game. The “Puzzle Creator” does not appear to have a single official name Valve published a blog post on the Octoreferring to the editor as the “Puzzle Creator”, later referred to it on the blog post of Apas “Puzzle Maker” and simply calling it “Editor” in-game. It has a plan there too, it comes in the form of a simplified level editor a Photoshop for test chambers”. The editor was first mentioned within The Final Hours of Portal 2, “ Valve figures out how to make designing Portal 2 maps an easier process. In order to create a Co-operative puzzle, the chamber must be marked as a “Co-operative puzzle” in the “File” menu of the Puzzle Creator. The Puzzle Creator (also known as Puzzle Maker or Editor) is a part of the Perpetual Testing Initiative in Portal 2, a DLC released on May 8th, 2012 allowing the creation of single-player and Co-op test chambers within a simple in-game editor.

    Portal 2 perpetual testing initiative